Impacting Veterans Lives, a 501 C 3 (47-2126427) humanitarian aid organization serves Veterans with HELP, HOPE, and DIGNITY through our Midwest Veterans Closet.
Midwest Veterans Closet, located in North Chicago, Illinois serves Veterans with weather appropriate clothing, personal care items, housewares, furniture, food from our Food Pantry, and more recently delivered meals to disabled, homebound Veterans with extremely generous donations from you.
In addition, our Drop-In Center, a warming and cooling center, is equipped with a bank of computers for professional (job searches and applications) and personal use. Here, a Cup O’ Joe is always available and often hot or cold food – all free to Veterans. Midwest Veterans Closet ‘Career Closet’ offers professional wear to Veterans, and current military who are preparing to re-enter civilian life. These men and women cannot afford such attire and consequently would present themselves at a job interview with jeans and a t-shirt.