Care Concerns are the Same Whether Paying Privately or Through Medicaid
Thursday April 01, 2021 - Jennifer Prell

Care Concerns When Choosing a Facility for a Loved One
When families are searching for a senior living option for a loved one, they think if they pay privately for care, that the care will always be great and that their loved one will be taken care of. That's not always the case. It's also the same for a family looking for a Medicaid facility. They might think the care will be terrible, when in fact it's quite good.
Whenever you are in the search process for senior housing, always get referrals from an organization that cares about seniors, like Elderwerks. Once you receive the referrals you must tour. Whether it's live or virtual, it's important to know what the building feels like, looks like, who works there, their expectations and yours, the amenities, activities, meals, and a lot more. After you choose the new home for your senior loved-one you must continue to be an advocate for them. It takes family oversight, communication, visits, and love to ensure they are taken care of properly.
Should the care and support not meet your expectations, or their are concerns, you can address them with the Director of Nursing or the Administrator. If they don't take corrective action, contact Elderwerks and we'll advocate on your behalf. Worse case scenario, we move your loved one to a new facility or community.
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