Senior & Assisted Living Advisor Throughout Illinois

Make a Senior Smile & Stitching for Seniors


The Make a Senior Smile program collects homemade cards for community members and then delivers them throughout the year to isolated seniors and seniors in income-restricted senior communities. These cards bring a smile to those who aren't able to get out of their homes often, may not have family, or just need a friendly touch. 

2025 Card Making Event Dates:
April 16th | May 21st | June 18th | July 16th
August 16th | September 17th | October 15th | November 19th
Sign up Here 
Card Making Guidelines 
1. Letters must be legible (large print). Handwritten is preferred. No worries if you are not artistic– make your card or letter as what you would like to receive.
2. Avoid religion. Please refrain from including anything religious in your letters, such as religious quotes, words like "God," etc.
3. Exclude the date (day, month, and year).
4. Embrace creativity! Recipients love it when the letters are personal. We encourage you to make your letters detailed, thoughtful and heartfelt.
5. Be kind and thoughtful (more than talking about yourself). This is a one-way letter exchange, meaning you may not receive a letter back, so remember that no reciprocation attached is part of the beauty of your act of kindness, and the recipients do not feel burdened by feeling obligated or being unable to respond.
6. Envelope your letters if you can! It’s so much nicer to open enveloped cards, don’t you think? If you are sending more than 1 letter, leave your enveloped letters unsealed and unstamped and put them in a larger envelope or box to send.
7. Share your act of kindness! We love seeing photos of your letter writing, and it helps promote our cause more than you know. Tag us #makeaseniorsmile, #positivemessage, #makingadifference, #helpingseniors etc. Post as a visitor on FB page for Elderwerks.
8. Send us as many cards as you would like! We accept letters year-round, so there is no deadline for when you must send them by. Seniors that are isolated are so happy for mail.
9. Pen-pal partners may be possible. Some seniors may want to write back. Get your parent or guardian’s permission. We may be able to match you with a senior that writes back. Put a post-it or separate note in with your letter and we will try to find a match. IMPORTANT – Please sign your card and include a self-addressed stamped envelope so your pen-pal can easily write back.
If you or your organization would like to participate in the Make a Senior Smile or Stitches for Seniors Program, please fill out this form. Thank you for your support! 
STITCHING FOR SENIORS - A Volunteer Initiative by Elderwerks
Join our volunteer-driven program dedicated to supporting seniors through handmade creations such as walker/wheelchair bags, lap blankets, and other essential items. Generous volunteers donate fabric and ribbons, while others assemble kits available at the Elderwerks Center. Volunteers then craft these items with care and love.
These handmade items are offered to seniors in need for a small donation. The collected donations are used to provide vital services to income-challenged seniors, ensuring they receive the support they deserve. 
Get involved and make a meaningful difference in the lives of our senior community today! 
If you or your organization would like to participate in the Make a Senior Smile or Stitching for Seniors Program, please fill out this form. Thank you for your support!

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