Plum Creek Supportive Living is a 102 unit affordable living facility for senior residents over the age of 65. The facility offers 77 single occupancy and 25 double occupancy apartments. Plum Creek provides a comprehensive array of housing, personal and health related supportive services to its senior residents who need help with activities of daily living. Services include nursing services, assistance with personal care, meal preparation (3 meals are prepared and served on site daily), housekeeping/laundry services as well as social and recreational programming.
Our affordable, all inclusive, monthly price is geared towards seniors who live on a budget. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. With assets & income under $2,000 your monthly Social Security check affords you this wonderful lifestyle.
Inside our warm, caring environment we ensure the highest quality of life, while most importantly, maintaining your independence.
Our superior professional staff are dedicated to the residents they serve, promoting independence, great nutrition, exciting activities & core values for a happy, healthy and active lifestyle in an "oasis" you can call home.