If you’re like most people, you’re looking for the best care available for yourself and your family. As your loved ones experience the physical and emotional effects of aging such as memory-related disorders (dementia and Alzheimer’s), illness or injury, you’re seeking reassurance that their safety, comfort, dignity and well-being will be protected as they continue to live independently in their homes. SYNERGY HomeCare opens the door to peace of mind by providing the high quality care your loved ones deserve.
Why should you choose SYNERGY HomeCare? Because we CARE! We’re the only non-medical home care company with the proprietary C.A.R.E. Team approach. At SYNERGY HomeCare, C.A.R.E. stands for Coordinated And Responsive Engagement. We don’t just provide home care, we provide solutions!
We understand that caring for your loved one is a team effort. We are your care quarterback and can be anything from a care resource to a care coordinator to a care advocate. Our understanding of the continuum of care means that you have a company on which you can depend to protect your well-being.
#1 Customized Care Plan
The first step to coordinating care is to sit down with you and create a customized care plan that includes a centralized list of all care providers.
#2 Care Notes
Our detailed care notes assist family caregivers and medical professionals alike. We also have important information on file like an emergency contact list and a daily log sheet that shows the activities done with your caregiver.
#3 Following-up
We are here for you as we conduct ongoing quality assessments and follow-up appointments with your doctor.
We are here for you 24/7. As a SYNERGY HomeCare client, you have access to our team outside of standard business hours. We will review or adjust your care plan as your needs or the needs of your loved one change.
In the event of a sudden change in your loved one’s physical or emotional state, we will alert family members, keeping everyone involved.
Providing care is more than work for us; it’s truly caring for you or your family member. Within the first 30 days of your SYNERGY HomeCare experience, you will receive a quality visit from one of our team members. Since we take client satisfaction so seriously, we engage an independent surveyor to conduct additional quarterly satisfaction surveys.
Why should you choose SYNERGY HomeCare? Because you care about the quality of care you receive! We C.A.R.E., and we go above and beyond to provide the best home care.
Our caregivers can assist your loved one with activities of daily living, such as:
Getting in and out of bed and chairs
Getting to and from the toilet

Dealing with incontinence or diapers
Providing transportation
Grocery shopping
Preparing meals
Arranging for outside services
Managing finances
Giving messages
In-home care is more affordable than you think. We will work with you to tailor an affordable care plan that meets your needs, providing the independence and freedom you deserve, whether it be for a few hours a week or full-time care.