Daily Money Managers Value
Written by
Ifaat Bosse, Bottom Line Financial
They guard
against financial exploitation. They keep clients current and prevent
overspending. They educate, they question, and they do not accept answers
blindly. Welcome to the world of daily money managers (DMMs).
Before getting
married, I worked full time, lived on my own in the city of Chicago, and saved
for retirement. I was completely financially independent. When my husband and I
got married and had children, we decided to move to the northern suburbs. We
decided that I would stop working and stay at home with the children and my
husband would work. This arrangement worked for a while until I needed to write
a check for my son. I called my husband at work and asked, “where is the
checkbook?” His response was that the checkbook was with the rest of the
financial documents. At that point I realized how vulnerable I had become. From
being completely financially independent to not knowing where the checkbook was.
That weekend we embarked on a financial “cross training.” I learned where the
checkbook was, where all the financial documents were and where the passwords
tell my friends and family to do this cross training so that the spouse who
does not handle the finances knows where critical financial documents reside.
If the financial spouse suddenly becomes incapacitated, the other spouse is then
armed. The cross training must start at home. When that cross training does not
occur, daily money managers often step in. Daily money managers assist by helping people complete their
daily financial and administrative obligations.
Clients include senior citizens, people with
disabilities, busy professionals, high net worth individuals, divorcees,
widow/widowers and frequent travelers. These clients are either unable or
unwilling to manage their financial affairs. A typical client may be someone
who was hospitalized then entered rehab. When they return home after what could
be several weeks, they are facing a new reality and they often require a myriad
of services in the home including daily money management. The paperwork has accumulated,
and bills need to be paid. In an ideal situation, healthy people often don’t
want to address paperwork. When people are ill, it becomes increasingly more
challenging and the risk of incurring penalties and interest charges increases.
A daily money manager can come in for several sessions to get bills paid and
file important documents. They can arrange to set up bills on auto pay so if clients
reenter the hospital or travel, they don’t have to worry about the bills
getting paid. The relationship can be short term until the client gets back on
their feet. Other times, daily money managers come in more routinely and assist
clients on a monthly or semimonthly basis.
In addition to bill payment, other services
daily money managers provide include budgeting so that clients understand how
much they can spend in a given time period, tax document organization so that
clients file their taxes on time, bank reconciliations so that clients know how
much money is in their accounts and finally, calling vendors and negotiating
with creditors,. With client permission, daily money managers also establish
working relationships with the other professionals in their client’s lives.
This partnership assures a more synergistic approach to managing the client’s
affairs. Some daily money managers provide small business accounting services
as well.
It’s important to note that daily money
managers have various backgrounds. In choosing a daily money manager, there are
several key questions to ask including:
1) Does the
candidate have Errors & Omissions insurance?
2) Can the
candidate act as a Power of Attorney? If so, does he or she have additional
fiduciary coverage?
3) Does
candidate have any professional certifications?
4) Can the
candidate provide references?
5) What does
the candidate charge? Most daily money managers charge for travel and out of
pocket expenses.
6) Has the daily money manager passed a background check? The
American Association of Daily Money Managers now requires all members to pass
background checks.
7) What
prior work experience does the daily money manager have and for how long has he
or she worked in the field?
national membership organization that governs the profession of daily money
managers is called American Association of Daily Money Managers or AADMM.
Individuals looking for a daily money manager can find one by visiting the
AADMM website (aadmm.com) and entering their zip code in the “Find a DMM”
a daily money manager is employed, clients can enjoy their leisure time and
have the peace of mind knowing that their affairs are in order.