Administration on Aging
The Administration on Aging website educates older people and their caregiver about benefits and services that can help them.
Aging.com Aging.com is owned and operated by the National Council for Aging Care. We offer unbiased information and resources to help older adults improve and maintain their health and wellness. Our user-friendly guides help seniors, their families and caretakers make informed decisions on key issues from cancer, to alcohol abuse to products and services for healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Brain Injury Association of Illinois
The Brain Injury Association of Illinois (BIA of IL) is a not-for-profit, statewide membership organization comprised of people with brain injuries, family members, friends and professionals. BIA of IL is part of a network of brain injury associations across the United States, and is an Affiliate of the national Brain Injury Association, Inc. (BIA) which was founded in 1980. The BIA of IL is the only statewide organization in Illinois serving individuals with Acquired Brain Injury, their families and professionals who treat them. We work to assist in developing communication channels between families and professionals in a way that improves relationships and cooperation, enhances teamwork and helps decrease potential issues that might arise . Due to decreased resources, lengths of stay, rehabilitation and care needs, and changing family structures, the BIA of IL feels collaboration is critical for effective service delivery. The Brain Injury Association of Illinois works with local, state and national organizations to consistently lead Illinois in providing quality, affordable and accessible services to people with brain injuries and their families. The BIA of Illinois is dedicated to providing information, resources, advocacy, and support. This is accomplished through: Acting as an information and resource clearinghouse Providing educational programs and an annual educational conference Hosting therapeutic recreational camps for children and adults with brain injury Fostering brain injury prevention and public awareness Promoting participation in statewide support groups Actively participating in legislative advocacy Encouraging research
PO Box 70 Palos Heights, IL 60463
312-726-5699 info@biail.org www.biail.org/support.htm
Healthy Aging for Older Adults
The Healthy Aging for Older Adults Website sponsored by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion provides information on a wide range of topics including: Health-Related Behaviors Chronic Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Immunizations for Adults, and Injuries Among Older Adults.
Community providers of services and supports for children and adults with intellectual / developmental disabilities, mental illnesses and substance use disorders. IARF has been the voice of human service organizations in government. In addition we have worked to provide agencies with individual consultation on issues that affect them specifically. IARF also commits itself to developing programs that return members’ investment of their dues. Our purpose is clear, "To assist in the development and improvement of services in Illinois." The stated purpose of IARF, according to its bylaws, is: - to assist in the development and improvement of services
- to act as a clearinghouse for information
- and to develop progressive methods of effective service to persons with disabilities through study, experiment and exchange of experience.
206 South Sixth Street Springfield, IL 62701
217-753-1190 www.iarf.org
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation website provides consumers with general information and guidance about insurance coverage and law. You can access information about the Senior Health Insurance Program, Prescription Drug Coverage and other resources within the Illinois Division of Insurance.
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Illinois Department on Aging
The Illinois Department on Aging provides a web-based service center providing resources for a variety of issues related to assistance for seniors within Illinois.
Illinois Healthcare Portal
Illinois Supportive Living Program
Illinois developed the Supportive Living Program as an alternative to nursing home care for low-income older persons and persons with disabilities under Medicaid. The Illinois Supportive Living website provides information about this program.
Kane County Senior Resources
Kane County Senior Resources is a professional organization whose members offer a variety of services to help senior citizens and caregivers. Members are from government funded agencies, non-profit organizations and businesses. The organization's mission is to enhance the dignity and independence of seniors and improve the quality of life for seniors in Kane County.
Mainstreet Organization of Realtors
Mainstreet Organization of REALTORS® is the largest local real estate association in the State of Illinois – and the 7th largest in the nation – representing more than 19,000 real estate professionals.
Mainstreet REALTORS® Members provide service to their clients in more than 200 Chicagoland communities distributed throughout DuPage, Lake, West and South Cook Counties. Since our founding as the DuPage Association of REALTORS® in 1921 – our continuing mission is to empower real estate professionals to thrive and find joy in their careers. We champion our members' goals with integrity, intelligence and inspiration.
630-324-8400 www.succeedwithmore.com
Medicare Interactive
Medicare Interactive provides Medicare-related information on topics such as eligibility and enrollment, coverage, rights and protections, health plan options, prescription drugs, and programs for people with lower income.
MesoCare is a free public service that is dedicated to providing support, education and hope for patients with mesothelioma. Their services are free of charge and function
via government grants and donations.
800-692-4862 www.mesocare.org
Mesothelioma Assistance
Mesothelioma Assistance Mesothelioma Cancer Mesothelioma Assistance - Mesothelioma.net is the web’s most comprehensive informational resource on mesothelioma, and includes elderly and veteran-specific assistance. Users can learn about mesothelioma and asbestos related illnesses. It also takes a deep dive into topics like treatment and emerging medicine, while thoroughly covering complementary medicine, counseling and occupational safety.
800-692-8608 www.mesothelioma.net
Mesothelioma from the Navy
Why does this matter?It is important that you identify yourself as either a U.S. military veteran or as the child or spouse of a veteran who died from a service-connected disability. The type of benefits you’re entitled to, as well as the application process for receiving those benefits, differs for veterans and survivors. To ensure that you receive all benefits you are entitled to, it is strongly recommended that you work with our VA-accredited claims representative. A claims representative understands the complex rules, laws and evidence requirements of the claims process and will make sure that your application is correctly submitted to the VA. Failure to submit all necessary documents accurately and on-time could result in your claim being delayed and/or denied
855-782-4640 www.mesotheliomafromnavy.com/veterans
Mesothelioma Fund
Mesotheliomafund.com provides support and assistance for mesothelioma victims. Our mission is to help patients and their families get compensation through asbestos and mesothelioma trust funds. Trust funds were formed in the 1970's as irresponsible companies were forced to reveal the true dangers of the mineral. Since then, hundreds of thousands of victims have filed claims against companies that were responsible for asbestos exposure. Over $30 billion dollars is available through mesothelioma and asbestos trust funds. Filing for compensation from a trust fund can be a complicated process, but we can help.
800-215-9896 www.mesotheliomafund.com
Mesothelioma Group
The Complete Guide Every year, 12.7 million people in the world learn that they have cancer. Even though cancer is a widespread disease, each individual who suffers from cancer is uniquely affected. Family and friends of loved ones who are fighting cancer are often confused and worried. It can be difficult to cope with a diagnosis of cancer. Today there is hope, thanks to millions of other survivors and the doctors and researchers that work to find solutions and effective treatments everyday. Even for those with a serious prognosis, there are many treatments and solutions available to provide comforting care throughout the process. The complete guide to understanding cancer is a resource for anyone who may think they have cancer or have already been diagnosed, and are unsure of where to start.
Mesothelioma Guide
Mesothelioma Guide is a guide in the fight against asbestos-related cancer. Their mission is to guide mesothelioma patients to better health care options and to find a cure. By providing powerful information and free resources they work towards their goal of helping mesothelioma patients and their families.
121 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1450 Orlando, FL 32801
888-572-9011 www.MesotheliomaGuide.com
Mesothelioma Help
Mesothelioma Help offers an annual scholarship essay contest where $10,000 is given out in scholarships to students in colleges and universities.
The active online community is made up of medical professionals:
- Two thoracic nurses with more than 25 years of experience.
- Ricki Lewis, PhD, geneticist who has proven to be an invaluable expert resource for the latest breakthroughs in gene therapy.
- Two caregivers and survivors that share their experiences and advice with our readers (just to name a few).
They also have live Q&A's with their team of nurses (visit our website to view prior and upcoming sessions).
546 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10036
585-633-7601 www.MesotheliomaHelp.org
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center helps families with finding mesothelioma law firms.
- They’ll send you free brochures from the top mesothelioma law firms in your area to help you decide which law firm is right for you. Over $30 billion is currently available in asbestos trust funds for asbestos disease victims and their families. Picking the right mesothelioma attorney is the first step in getting your share of the money available.
- They are experienced in helping asbestos victims across the country in all 50 states.
- They're available to help answer any questions you might have. Fill out our Contact Form or call us toll free at 800-490-6014.
800-490-6014 www.mesotheliomalawyercenter.org
Mesothelioma Specialists
Connecting Patients with Treatment Specialists
Following a mesothelioma diagnosis, your next move should be to find a top doctor who specializes in the disease treatment. But because mesothelioma is so rare, finding such a physician can be difficult. We offer a number of support services that can help patients and family members choose the best treatment options.
We have built relationships with the top doctors, hospitals, and cancer centers throughout the country.
We know who are leaders in the field and have special access that can help you get fast appointments.
With the help of our doctor-match program, we will pair you with a top specialist who works exclusively with your type of mesothelioma.
We can help you find a doctor, whether it is in your local area or across the country. Mesothelioma treatment demands a doctor who can commit to personalized care.
800-210-7617 www.mesotheliomaspecialists.org
National Council for Aging Care
The NIH Senior Health website containing information for older adults was developed by the National Institute on Aging and the National Library of Medicine, both part of the National Institutes of Health. This website contains a wide range of information on many health topics including: Alzheimer's disease, Arthritis, Balance Problems, Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Diabetes, Exercise for Older Adults, Hearing Loss, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Taking Medicines, and many more.
National Council on Aging
Created by the National Council on the Aging (NCOA) this free, easy-to-use website helps older Americans identify their eligibility for a wide range of public assistance programs. It compares the information you give with eligibility requirements for Social Security, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Weatherization, in-home services, pharmacy programs, and state programs. A printable report of programs and enrollment information is available.
National Institute on Aging
Since 1974, the NIA -- one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of theNIH -- has been at the forefront of the Nation's research activities dedicated to understanding the nature of aging, supporting the health and well being of older adults, and extending healthy, active years of life for more people.
PO Box 8057 Gaithersburg, MD 20898
800-222-2225 www.nia.nih.gov
New Foundation Center
New Foundation Center partners with people who have a mental illness to support their recovery and their pursuit of lives with meaning and purpose. The New Foundation Center provides members recovery programs, permanent supportive housing, supported employment, and health and wellness programs, all within a community that encourages sharing, independent living, friendship, personal responsibility, and family participation. "We believe that people can recover."
Administrative Office: 847-501-2939
444 W. Frontage Road Northfield, IL 60093-3009
847-386-3054 www.newfoundationcenter.org
Nursing Home Abuse Guide
Over 3.2 million adults living in nursing homes and other long term care facilities in the U.S. As many as 40 percent of all adults will enter a nursing home at some point during their lives and as the U.S. population ages, the number of nursing home residents is expected to grow. Many of these elders are well-cared for but many may be the victims of abuse. Visit this site to learn more.
info@nursinghomeabuseguide.org www.nursinghomeabuseguide.org
OWL Illinois
OWL (the Older Women's League) is the only national grassroots membership organization to focus solely on issues related to older women.Most OWL members are women 50+; many are senior citizens. But OWL is open to both women and men of any age. OWL is especially concerned about: Financial Security (preserving Social Security) Health (including health policy, Medicare, and long-term care) Access to Housing and Housing Alternatives (affordable senior housing, etc.) Employment and Unemployment among Older Women Personal Growth, Managing Personal Change End-of-Life Decisions (advance directives for health care, etc.) The Image of Midlife and Older Women Ending Violence against Women and the Elderly
Our national office is involved in political advocacy for older women on the national level. OWL-Illinois provides support to OWL chapters in Illinois (in Chicago and DuPage County). Nonmembers are welcome to attend chapter meetings, which involve both formal programs and social activities. OWL is a good place to meet new friends. Our chapters provide programs on issues of concern to older women. OWL-Illinois also has a listserve (an e-mail list) that all Illinois OWLs are welcome to join. The listserve is a discussion forum for Illinois OWLs and provides information on events of interest, OWL-National activities, etc. OWL-Illinois does not collect dues; its activities are supported by the generosity of contributors and volunteers. All members of OWL-National or of an Illinois OWL chapter are considered members of OWL-Illinois. If OWL is an organization you would like to be involved with, find a chapter in Illinois and come to a meeting, or e-mail us through the Contact Us link. If you do not live in Illinois, search for a chapter near you with Google.
773-324-5539 http://www.owlillinois.org
Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has a website that provides visitors with information relating to Medicaid and Medicare certified nursing homes throughout the United States. It includes information on payment and patient rights, and a nursing home checklist which will help you evaluate the nursing homes that you visit. Find a Nursing Home Here
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services maintains the Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare. Here you can get information about Medicare coverage, prescription coverage plans, health plans, gap plans and other information.
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
University of Illinois Extension Office
The University of Illinois Extension office provides access to information about a variety of programs for seniors including health care, elder abuse, medical conditions and economics. It also provides links to a variety of other senior resources.
Drug Watch
Drugwatch.com reports on the latest information regarding dangerous drugs and defective medical devices. We give you the information you need, when you need it. Our Patient Advocates can answer your medical questions and point you to a specialist. They will also let you know if you have a legal case.
800-452-0949 information@drugwatch.com www.drugwatch.com/seniors/
AARP Illinois
Americans age 50 and older face choices and pressures unlike those of any other age group choices few could have prepared for. AARP educates, supports and helps older adults with issues that effect them.
312-458-3600 aarpil@aarp.org www.aarp.org/IL