We strive to make your life easier with delicious home style meals.
Deb Davis, the heart and soul behind Sisters Home Style Entrees, started what was initially a hobby in 2011, preparing meals for family and friends. Her passion for quality and service along with an amazing team helped transform her small-scale hobby into a booming enterprise.
Without the help of co-owner Mary Catherine Ferry and the dedicated team of managers, supervisors and the many valued employees helping keep the day-to day operations running smoothly, Deb could not have fathomed impacting so many lives.
Today the business has expanded to an industrial-sized kitchen with more than 50 employees. Together, they prepare over 75,000 meals a month, serving not just all of Iowa but also its bordering states. Deb’s journey from a casual hobby to a critical service highlights the power of passion fueled by many with the desire to make a difference in people’s daily lives.
Our Mission at Sister’s Home Style Entrees is to provide individuals and families the opportunity to eat home-style meals made from the best ingredients at an affordable price. We cater largely to the elderly and homebound population as a tool for individuals to remain independent in their own homes by having a great selection of nutritious meals available in their freezer. Families love the convenience and flexibility as well. Serving Illinois, Iowa & Surrounding States Covered by Medicaid Waivers or Private Pay
1303 22nd St. North Humboldt, IA 50548
515-332-1928 www.sistersentrees.com