Senior & Assisted Living Advisor Throughout Illinois
Make informed decisions!

Articles and Videos

Use the following articles and videos to help you make an informed decision. Please contact your Senior Advisor if you have questions.

Staying Safe Online 

Join us for this small, interactive workshop where we will: Share some practical strategies, resources and good practices to enhance online security and privacy. Discuss some of today’s threats you may face, such as data breaches, frauds and scams, cybersecurity threats, etc. Provide options to protect your data files from potential loss.

Medicare Fraud 

The Illinois Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program at AgeOptions empowers consumers to prevent healthcare fraud. With volunteers and program staff, we help people with Medicare to Prevent, Detect, and Report Medicare fraud and abuse. In this session we’ll dive into the most common Medicare fraud scams and how to prevent, detect, and report them!

Benefits of Laughter 

Join Chris in this fun presentation on the best form of expression. She will discuss the differences between laughter and humor, the psychological and physical benefits laughter provides and give some examples of laughter exercise and therapy.

Important Things to Bring to the Emergency Room 

Prepare for the unexpected with our informative session on what to bring to the ER, including both practical items and tips for emotional readiness. We’ll discuss must-have documents, medications, and personal essentials, along with strategies for managing stress and staying calm under pressure. This presentation is ideal for families who want to feel prepared, organized, and emotionally equipped to support their loved ones in emergency situations.

Internet Safety & Avoiding Online Scams 

Join Tony LaPalio for an essential presentation on Internet Safety and Avoiding Online Scams. In this session, Tony will guide you through the basics of internet safety, including how to be aware, prepared, and defensive while navigating the web.

Long-Term Care Planning Got You Spooked? 

Carol and Jennifer will provide guidance and inspiration with some valuable tips on aging, living, and planning well. We’ll learn what defines long-term care, who provides it, and what is and is not covered by insurance. Of special interest will be learning how to be pre-screened for a plan (behind the scenes) without a formal application, significantly reducing the risk of being declined. We’ll discuss different plan types and examples of costs at various ages from recent real-world cases, including short-term recovery care plans.

Data Breach Protection 

The recent National Public Data (NPD) leak is probably the most significant in history, with far-reaching implications for hundreds of millions of American citizens. Hackers stole nearly three billion records, which are now posted on the dark web. This exposed sensitive personal information makes it easier for criminals to commit various forms of identity theft, scams, fraud, financial hardship as well as the resulting emotional distress.

Identity Theft 

Learn about the methods used by identity thieves to steal personal information and how to protect yourself. Understand what information is at risk and red flags to watch out for with regard to common scams.

The Psychology of Aging 

According to the American Psychological association, people 65 and older are the fastest growing of segment population today. With this comes many questions and concerns about aging both physically and mentally and quality of life.

Avoid New Scams - When In Doubt Reach Out! 

Scams are on the rise! Be safe in your own home.

Beware Door to Door Scams 

Learn about different Door-to-Door Scams and how to identify them so you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Walking - The No-Cost Prescription for Health 

There are literally thousands of scientific studies available that verify walking as a fundamental exercise delivering multiple health benefits. Regular brisk walks can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce body fat.

Resolving the Senior Housing Crisis in Turbulent Times 

Low-income and moderate housing has become one of the major crises of our lifetime.

My Dad's Falling A Lot 

My dad lives at home with my mom. They’re pretty independent but my dad has fallen three times in the last few months. Why is he falling so much? Should he stay home? Help!

Communication and Family 

Talking with your parents is not always easy. Keeping with the facts, allowing your parents to make their own decisions and helping them along the way.

Dad and the Empty Nest 

Dads suffer from empty nest syndrome, too. This article talks about tips to get through the experience.

Unexpected Changes 

Many of us that have aging parents or loved ones ask a common question, what can we do to help transitioning seniors? Taking time to understand their unique talents, interests and health situation is a good start. Offering verbal encouragement and being supportive of their needs will go a long way toward improving their outlook on life.

Collector or Hoarder? It's a Fine Line 

Keeping things just because you may need it some day is not a good excuse to hold onto things.

Interacting with Developmentally Disabled Adults 

Different is good. We don't all have to be the same.

Why You Need a Power of Attorney 

Everyone over the age of 18 needs a Power of Attorney. It's important for your own health.

Interview on BACOA Radio with Jennifer Prell 

Reframing Aging Podcast on Senior Living

Moving Earlier Can Lengthen Your Life and Promote Happiness 

We answer the question "What advantages do older adults have to gain by moving to a senior community? What can moving do for a senior?

Living a Low-Maintenance Life 

There is a new movement that has people stepping back and reviewing the value of our most precious gift - time. Today’s older adults live longer, healthier lives; they want to be active in fun activities, not drudgery.

Be Bold - Control Your Own Destiny 

Articles written for the Northwest Herald's "Fearless Aging" column will be posted in this section. This first article talks about living to your maximum potential.

LGBTQ+ Aging Population 

Aging is hard. Aging as part of the LGBTQ+ community can be even harder.

Contact Elderwerks

Finding assisted living or other types of aging care can be overwhelming. Let our dedicated team help you navigate your options.

Contact Us

For your complimentary, person-centered assistance or help touring a senior community, call an Elderwerks Advisor today at 855-462-0100.


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